Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14, 2014

I've had a nagging knee pain for the last 6 weeks.  Its fine if you keep your knee bent but hurts like hell when you straighten it.  Finally after asking the running guru about it...was suggested I should switch running shoes and stop wearing the same pair 2 days in a row, I can finally say it doesn't hurt as much. 

The last couple weeks running has been tough.  Winter running and the snow is definitely  dragging me down.  However, I do feel better at the end of a 14k workout.  This week has been tough.  Monday was a 12k run.  Tuesday with a 5k warmup, had 4 sets of 1300 meter.  Times were 6:00, 5:45, 5:55, 5:36. Followed by cooldown.  Fun but definitely a challenge.  Wednesday, we were hit by another snow storm.  15cms dumped.  A definite no run day.  Thursday, made it to a treadmill and plodded out 12k.  Did I tell you coach is a Brit?  Well, some useless trivia, the treadmill was invented by a Brit, Sir William Cubitt.  Used as a form of torture for prisoners.

Today, met up with the group and struggled through a supposedly easy 12k run.  Breathed like an asthmatic through the whole workout.  Tomorrow is a rest day, and Sunday, will be meeting with the group at the ungodly hour of pre-dawn for a long run.  It'll be fun.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Winter Running

The last week of training has been challenging.  My times have been slower than usual.  The effort has been more than usual.  The arctic blast and wind chill have been punishing.  My long run this weekend was difficult.  My plan called for 90 mins.  Decided to run north which is usually a gradual incline, which isn't so bad..however, sidewalks and roads were a mess.  Drivers were not courteous and the sidewalks were ice covered and treacherous.  At one point, while crossing an intersection with the light, an impatient driver attempting a left turn, leaned on his horn while I was crossing the street.  By this point I was fed up.  Stopped on the cross walk, smiled, waved and waited the 27 seconds I had left on the walk sign before continuing my long run. 

My winter gear I don't think is meant for anything colder than -25C. I am waiting for this cold weather to end.  Tomorrow morning's temperature is predicted to be a balmy -19 with the wind.  Which is great.  Instead of 3 pairs of gloves, I will wear only 2, but I will still double my socks.

Up coming races planned include but not all confirmed.
Good Friday 5k
Mississauga Half Marathon
Moon in June 10k
Dundas Cactus 10k
Hamilton Marathon